Thursday, June 4, 2009

Week #3

I have discovered that the media is the great divide between males and females. No matter how accomplished a women is the media still portrays her in a negative light. For instance, I looked up the top female newscasters to see how the media portrayed them and this is what I found.
The media concentrated on their physical attributes opposed to their qualifications. Here's what is being written by men about female newscasters. Now remember the women named work for the best networks in the world. I'll start with Mirthala Salinas, Los Angeles, had an affair with the mayor of California, Elizabeth Vargas - ABC news 20/20 a sexist remark, a man's joke about how superior she is, Heidi Collins - CNN she has red hair, the statement said about her was Heidi Collins proves ginger can be hot, too, Alison Stewart -MSNBC, the statement associated with her name is, she numbed the pain with the salve on her sweet lips, Catherine Bosley - Action News 19, she went to Key West on vacation and stripped completely naked in a wet T- shirt contest.
I now realize who's behind the cameras, who are the top executives of the radio and TV networks, and who's in charge of making the ultimate decisions about how women should be portrayed. This is my Eureka Moment, the men run the show and they hire women to support them. Regardless of how women demand equal rights, I know now that in order for a women to come close to being in charge and taken seriously, she will have to lead with her head and not with her heart.


  1. These comments are really eye opening. Pointing out exactly who is running the show and who is heading up most business situations. Women who are broadcasters or in the public eye are definitely expected to Look and act a certain way. They need to have a certain level of beauty and sex appeal, according to society's standards, while still adhering to the expected guidelines of being polite and dainty women, going along with whatever men want them to do. Otherwise, they are considered to be "stepping out of line."

  2. Hey thanks for shedding light on how even accomplished women are portrayed. One would think that if a woman was professional or talented, she would at least be talked about and referred to as intelligent in some form. However male producers, and maybe even female producers, still can portray their female workers in negative ways in order to get higher ratings. The very over used saying "sex sells" remains true and continually demeans both sexes in order to get a few bucks.
